A panel of 20 commonly used commands related to using symbols. Both colours of skins included. Light grey skin(classic Macromedia style) or Black skin (new Adobe style)
5 Enter and Exit Symbol Commands:
Enter to Current Frame
Exit to Current Frame
Exit to Enter Frame
Enter With New Instance
-duplicates current frames inside the symbol to the last frame
Exit With New Instance
-sets the symbol's instance number to the current frame as it exits
5 Modify Symbol Commands:
Duplicate Symbol
Swap Symbol(s)
-Swaps multiple selected symbols with the selected symbol in the library. Retains instance numbers.
Reset Transformation Point(s)
Duplicate Transformation points
-Matches a series of frames' points to the first frames' point so animation at different arcs is possible
Move Registration Point
-Moves all art inside the symbol to recenter the Symbol
10 Symbol Instance Commands: (work with multiple frame selection)
Instance Single Frame
Instance Play Once
Instance Loop
Instance -100
Instance -10
Instance -1
Instance +1
Instance +10
Instance +100
Instance Sync To Timeline
-After adjusting timing, this will match the instance number of the selected symbol(s) to the frame number they are on.